UDevTerm USB/BT/Wi-Fi Direct U

by Ashot Kocharian


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UDevTerm is a program designed to establish communication over OTG USB and virtual bluetooth serial...

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UDevTerm is a program designed to establish communication over OTG USB and virtual bluetooth serial (RS-232/COM) port and TCP connection over Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct. It currently supports FT232RL, CH340, PL2303 and CP2102 chipsets and Atmega16u2 chipset in Arduino UNO. UDevTerm is available in Starter, Professional and Ultimate versions. Starter version contains four editions: USB Starter, Bluetooth Starter, Wi-Fi Starter and USB/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Starter. Professional section contains seven editions: USB Professional, Bluetooth Professional, Wi-Fi Professional, Wi-Fi Direct Professional, USB/Bluetooth Professional, USB/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Professional and USB/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Direct Professional. Ultimate version contains seven editions as well USB Ultimate, Bluetooth Ultimate, Wi-Fi Ultimate, Wi-Fi Direct Ultimate, USB/Bluetooth Ultimate, USB/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Ultimate and USB/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Direct Ultimate. Its minimum SDK version is 13 and target SDK version is 23. Editions with support of Wi-Fi Direct require minimum SDK version 14. UDevTerm supports both smartphones and tablets. Flow control is currently not supported. Each edition contains a detailed tutorial.Try out UDevTerm USB Starter, UDevTerm Bluetooth Starter, UDevTerm WiFi Starter and UDevTerm USB/Bluetooth/WiFi editions with VT100 terminal for free.UDevTerm USB/Bluetooth/WiFi Direct Ultimate includes a VT100 terminal with interactive screen replacing keyboard arrow buttons functionality. UDevTerm USB/Bluetooth/WiFi Direct Ultimate combines functionality of UDevTerm USB Ultimate, UDevTerm Bluetooth Ultimate and UDevTerm WiFi Direct Ultimate. UDevTerm USB/Bluetooth/WiFi Direct Ultimate allows to simultaneously establish serial connections over OTG USB, Bluetooth and TCP connection over Wi-Fi with easy realtime terminal switching between these three connections. It can also be used to create direct data bridge between OTG USB COM port, Bluetooth virtual COM port and Wi-Fi TCP port, allowing for instance to connect third parties devices through Bluetooth virtual COM port or Wi-Fi TCP port to devices that have USB port or CLI port like routers. In addition to legacy Wi-Fi it allows to connect devices using Wi-Fi Direct standard. It can be used to connect with devices through Wi-Fi Direct and to connect with legacy Wi-Fi devices. It can be used for example for communicating with Arduino Uno over Wi-Fi through ESP8266 module.Key features:• Interactive VT100 terminal• Communication over USB OTG serial (RS-232/COM) port, Bluetooth virtual serial port• TCP communication over Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct• Modem to send files without protocol and using protocols such as XModem and YModem.• Simultaneous independent terminal emulation and/or file transmission over USB OTG, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections• Adjustable window and font size, character set• Clickable web url links• Log files with transmission records• Communication with routers over CLI interface (tested on EdgeRouter Lite with Cisco cable)• Communication over Bluetooth with Arduino Uno, etc.• Communication with Arduino UNO over Wi-Fi through ESP8266 module• Data bridge between devices, connected to OTG USB COM port, Bluetooth virtual COM port and Wi-Fi TCP port• Support of ascii, hexadecimal and binary messages• Real time message transmission and deletion in hexadecimal and binary format, allowing to enter and delete messages like in ascii format. Ability to send and delete a number of repetitions of the same character in hex format in convinient form in real time.• Support escape sequences• Save and modify sequences in any format for quick access, store command line last inputs.• Full screen and split screen for transmitted and received signals. Ability to represent transmitted and received singnals in split screen mode in different formats in real time• Accurately developed interface, processing of events such as usb detatch, etc.• Detailed built-in tutorialcurrent version 3.19